Member-only story
AutoCorrect Will Not Replace Us
On my commutes, I enjoy musing and capturing my fleeting thoughts on my phone.
Just like doves flocking out of a hat and being caught mid-flight in a magic show, I imagine my words fluttering from my mind and being caught midair in the palm of my hand, and then zapped into my phone.
Often, my words arrive in my device misshapen and incoherent. Like having too many drinks, my words are misspelled and tangled together in a messy heap.
Some slur their intentions to the confounding faces of my well put-together sentences.
Sometimes my words wander off, picking up random words and bringing them back to the canvas of my screen.
Other times, they walk out into the open space, exploring the contours of my mind…and trail…off….
Some words like to challenge nearby words to a duel, where I end up with a cluster of synonyms side by side, in varying degrees of macho-ness, squabbling over which word gets to stay in the coveted spot of my meticulously constructed sentence.
As I type, AutoCorrect jumps into action. Like a bouncer at the bar, it tosses out “misspelled words” at the slightest spelling transgression.